We read Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. The girls who read John Grisham said this wasn't a "typical" book of his. It was kind of slow, you needed to be a football fan too (which many of them are so that wasn't a huge issue). To be honest, we all just felt it was kind of boring. We wanted the love interest to evolve into something, it didn't. So, I'd say most of us wouldn't recommend it unless you love Italy & football and need a simple easy read.

We were missing two girls this month:( Jodi was sick so she couldn't make it.
Erin was home with her new baby boy Lowen!
Isn't he adorable?! He was born on November 30th.
We also had another "newbie" join us this month! Michelle went to college with us and she joined the book club in December! We are having so much fun with everyone & I'm anxious to see what the new girls picks will be when it's there turn!
We hope everyone can make it in January!
Merry Christmas!
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